This blog will help you to clear out your sure supply paper for computer science and engineering students .
I created this note by referring several text book and internet sources . this note is enough for you to pass semester 3 exam. I'm sure that this is enough for your all purpose notes , just print it down , i write this blog with mathematical equation in mathematical style. If you find any error please comments it below for helping other person .I used mathjax script to forming mathematical equation if you want write mathematical equation in your comments you test it below that blog post.More over i would like you to share this tricks in this post too
here is the link for testing your code
mathjax equation begin with \( and end with \)
so for writing code we will follow like this way
\( your code \)
for writing a a/b form we use
\(\frac{a}{b}\) istead of just a/b
Now some useful code will be numbered please refer to that
1.begin and ending
\(your code\) or we can use dollar to begin and ending $$ your code $$ for separating line
2.for covering bracket full with inside code you must use \left your inside code \right
\( \left[ \frac{a}{b}\right] \)
3.some time you only need to cover an equation | this symbol , here also you just put \left followed by a dot then put right
\left. your code \right| "
for writing power use ^2
4.V1 like this we need V_1
5. for getting h21 we need to type h_{21} also for two or more power we should use h^{21}
6.For typing square root put your code inside
/sqrt{your code}
7.For making boundary use your code inside curly bracket
I created this note by referring several text book and internet sources . this note is enough for you to pass semester 3 exam. I'm sure that this is enough for your all purpose notes , just print it down , i write this blog with mathematical equation in mathematical style. If you find any error please comments it below for helping other person .I used mathjax script to forming mathematical equation if you want write mathematical equation in your comments you test it below that blog post.More over i would like you to share this tricks in this post too
here is the link for testing your code
mathjax equation begin with \( and end with \)
so for writing code we will follow like this way
\( your code \)
for writing a a/b form we use
\(\frac{a}{b}\) istead of just a/b
Now some useful code will be numbered please refer to that
1.begin and ending
\(your code\) or we can use dollar to begin and ending $$ your code $$ for separating line
2.for covering bracket full with inside code you must use \left your inside code \right
\( \left[ \frac{a}{b}\right] \)
3.some time you only need to cover an equation | this symbol , here also you just put \left followed by a dot then put right
\left. your code \right| "
for writing power use ^2
4.V1 like this we need V_1
5. for getting h21 we need to type h_{21} also for two or more power we should use h^{21}
6.For typing square root put your code inside
/sqrt{your code}
7.For making boundary use your code inside curly bracket
\bbox[5px,border:2px solid red] {your code here } 8. you may also need some alt code for mathematical purpose like alt 227 Ï€ alt 504 degree °679º alt 480 α alt 481 ß
alt 492 ∞ alt 494 ε alt 496 ≡ alt 499 ≤ alt 504 ° alt 503 ≈ alt 507 √
alt 26 →
alt 27 ← not forget add this script by clicking HTML instead of compose tab please paste it there
paste it here
<html> <head> <title>MathJax example</title> <script async="" src="" type="text/javascript"> </script> </head> <body> </body></html></div>
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